First week of the craftworks course

Well that was a long morning.  We spent absolutely ages doing paperwork, all of it dull to the extreme.  Pages and pages of it.

Eventually though we got to do something a bit more fun.  We were all given journals and loads of different scrapbooking materials which we had free reign to use to decorate said journal.

I would post a picture but I went a bit crazy with the glitter glue so mine is still drying and I won’t bring it home until next week.

It was an interesting bunch of people.  I don’t think any of them are really that interested in making stuff to sell.  Most seemed to just be looking for a social morning.  It was all female, mostly over 50 and I think most of the others already know each other from the WI and suchlike.  Still, the course sounds like it will cover all the stuff I need to learn so it’s worth going.

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