Book *squeeeeeee*

It’s official – the book with my story in is now genuinely on sale.  You can buy it.  Woohoo!

link to shop

You can also buy just my story on it’s own (although why would you when the others are awesome?)

link to my story

mythologicallytorqued cover

I’d love to hear what you think if you read it.

Now please excuse me while I go swoon from the excitement 🙂


I woke up this morning to find the pdf galley for Mythologically Torqued in my email inbox.  It looks really good.  I’ve read through some of the other stories and thoroughly enjoyed them so I feel my little tale is in good company 🙂

mythologicallytorqued cover

I’ve had stories published in anthologies before, but it is still a huge thrill to see it all coming together.  It makes me feel like a ‘proper writer’.  I will be grinning like a loon all day.

So where are we starting from – the writer

I’m a writer.  It’s just something I do.  I’ve had quite a few pieces of erotica published over the years but most of what I’ve written has never been read by anyone but me, or has been posted online somewhere, pretty much ignored, and long since forgotten.  I’d almost stopped doing it except for personal use, I just wasn’t finding the time between working and my roleplaying obsession.

This year I’m trying to do things a bit differently.  I’ve started looking at calls for submission and writing stories to fit.  I’ve sent things to publishers rather than just posting them online.  As a result my story Brisingamen has been accepted by Torquere Press for their Mythologically Torqued anthology and I have just spent today editing it to send back for final review.

I’ve also signed up with Great Content – a website that pays you to write content for other people’s websites and have written a few short pieces for them.  It’s not much but it is being paid to be a writer on a day to day basis which feels kinda good (but not as good as the actual having a story in a book thing obviously).

I’d really like to get some game related writing published that’s top of my wish list, and maybe some fantasy type stories, but the most important thing is to actually write.  I want to be not just a writer but a successful writer with something to show for it.